Thursday, March 5, 2009

It is to be revised at the end of the course! hopefuly!!

A sample of syllabus, assessment program and methodology in a given classroom of phonetics
The objective of this outline is to determine how a student of TEFL devises an appropriate syllabus, assessment program and methodology for a given classroom of phonetics.
Explanation of materials by the teacher in the class, researches done by the students as weekly assignments
Teaching aids:
Books, audio visual system, Maquette of the organs of articulation in human body
1. Distinction between phonetics and phonology
2. Organs of articulation
3. Phonetic alphabet
4. Branches of phonetics
5. Traditional phonetics
(a) Consonants
_ Place of articulation
_ Manner of articulation
6. Systematic phonetics
(a)Vocalic vs. Consonantal
(b) Sonorant vs. Obstruent
(c) Anterior vs. back
(d) Syllabic
(f) Tense vs. lax
(g) Fortis
(h) Continuant vs. Abrupt release
(i) Coronal
(j) Strident
(k) Sibilant
(l) Lip rounding
(m) Aspiration
II. Assessment program
1. Subjective
(a) Class participation (%10)
(b) Weekly assignments (%10)
2. Objective
(a) Midterm exam (multiple choice type tests) (%30)
(b) Final exam (multiple choice type tests) (%50)

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